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через 5 минут стартует су4

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результаты шейк-дауна http://static.ypresrally.com/shake2011.html

на шейк-дауне произошло небольшое чп с яном копецки. он врезался в ограждение небольшого моста. машина получила серьезные повреждения, но была отремонтирована к старту первого дня.


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1 Freddy Loix/Frйdйric Miclotte (ŠKODA Fabia S2000) 25m39.7s

2 Guy Wilks/Phil Pugh (Peugeot 207 S2000) +14.1s

3 Pieter Tsjoen/Lara Vanneste (Peugeot 207 S2000) +25.3s

4 Luca Rossetti/Matteo Chiarcossi (Abarth Grande Punto S2000) +33.7s

5 Bryan Bouffier/Xavier Panseri (Peugeot 207 S2000) +34.1s

6 Hans Weijs/Bjorn Degandt (ŠKODA Fabia S2000) +37.9s

7 Bernd Casier/Francis Caesemaeker (ŠKODA Fabia S2000) +41.8s

8 Toni Gardemeister/Tapio Suominen (ŠKODA Fabia S2000) +56.5s

9 Michal Solowow/Maciej Baran (M-Sport Ford Fiesta S2000) +58.8s

10 Karl Kruuda/Martin Jдrveoja (ŠKODA Fabia S2000) +59.8s

перед СУ 4

Изменено пользователем Karamba

8 093 761 09 79 Артём

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после су1:

1 3

Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:07:53.0 108.84

0.00 00:00:00.0


2 12

Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:07:56.5 108.04

0.24 00:00:03.5


3 2

Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:07:57.6 107.79

0.32 00:00:04.6


4 18

Magalhaes Bruno / Grave Paulo

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:08:04.0 106.36

0.77 00:00:11.0


5 16

Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:08:05.1 106.12

0.85 00:00:12.1


6 19

Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:06.4 105.84

0.94 00:00:13.4


7 1

Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo

Fiat Grande Punto S2000 2 00:08:06.9 105.73

0.97 00:00:13.9


8 30

Barrable Robert / Connolly Damien

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:08.8 105.32

1.10 00:00:15.8


9 15

Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:09.4 105.19

1.15 00:00:16.4


10 17

Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:11.4 104.76

1.29 00:00:18.4


5 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas: technical problem - suspension in SS 1

14 - Kopecký Jan / Starý Petr: retired before start - health problems

проблемы с самочувствием - последствия аварии на шейкдауне

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "It's OK, but I have some troubes with the setup. In this moment we are slow."

6 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Floene Ola: accident in SS 1


18 - Magalhaes Bruno / Grave Paulo: "My rhytm wasn't perfect."

15 - Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio: "Very difficult roads to remeber."

11 - Oleksowicz Maciej / Obrębowski Andrzej: "It was OK, but I missed two junctions and I had to reverse."

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: "I tried to catch the rhytm and push."

9 - Tlusťák Antonín / Škaloud Jan: "OK, good."

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "Nice. Really good. We need to learn the car."

8 - Andersson Per Gunnar / Axelsson Emil: "Not so bad. There is much places where you can go harder, but it is tricky."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "Perfect. Without brakes, but nice driving."

5 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas: Had a puncture, stopped in the stage.

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "We had to slow twice due to other cars. The grip was not perfect."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "It was very slipery, I was surprised at some parts of the stage. We will see."

4 - Basso Giandomenico / Dotta Mitia: "I have problem with brakes."

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "It was very difficult, very slippery. It is hard to find the brake points. I'm not happy with the setup."

#5 Neuville, Thierry - Gilsoul, Nicolas Peugeot 207 S2000 Suspension

#14 Kopecký, Jan - Starý, Petr Škoda Fabia S2000 Shakedown accident

#6 Mikkelsen, Andreas - Floene, Ola Škoda Fabia S2000 Accident


#6 Mikkelsen Andreas - Floene Ola Utrhl kolo / Lost wheel

#5 Neuville Thierry - Gilsoul Nicolas Defekt, stoji v RZ / Puncture, stopped in stage

#7 Solowow Michal - Baran Maciej Problemy s brzdami / brake problems

после су2:

1. Loix F. - Miclotte F.

#3 Škoda Fabia S2000 2 15:55.5


2. Wilks G. - Pugh P.

#12 Peugeot 207 S2000 2 15:59.4


+3.9 109.0



Tsjoen P. - Vanneste L.

#16 Peugeot 207 S2000 2 16:11.8


+12.4 107.6



Bouffier B. - Panseri X.

#2 Peugeot 207 S2000 2 16:15.5


+3.7 107.2



Rossetti L. - Chiarcossi M.

#1 Fiat Abarth Grande Punto S2000 2 16:16.0


+0.5 107.2


6. Weijs jr. H. - Degandt B.

#19 Škoda Fabia S2000 2 16:17.5


+1.5 107.0



Barrable R. - Connolly D.

#30 Škoda Fabia S2000 2 16:18.5


+1.0 106.9



Casier B. - Caesemaker F.

#17 Škoda Fabia S2000 2 16:22.6


+4.1 106.4



Snijers P. - Gistels J.

#32 Mini Cooper S2000 1.6T 1 16:23.4


+0.8 106.3



Gardemeister T. - Suominen T.

#15 Škoda Fabia S2000 2 16:29.2


+5.8 105.7


#18 Magalhães, Bruno - Grave, Paulo Peugeot 207 S2000 Engine


#23 van Eldik Mark - Buysmans Robin Přišli jsme úplně o brzdy, proto jedeme tak pozdě, provizorně jsme to opravovali, do servisu snad dojedeme.

#18 Magalhães Bruno - Grave Paulo Stoji v RZ / stopped in stage

#10 Betti Luca - Barone Maurizio Ztravili jsme jednou chybkou par sekund, ale jinak jedeme celkem dobre.

#19 Weijs jr. Hans - Degandt Bjorn Moc se mi to libí, jedeme poprvé tímto autem a je to super.

#8 Andersson Per-Gunnar - Axelsson Emil Chceme tu predevsim dokoncit, ale jedeme celkem svižně.

#7 Solowow Michal - Baran Maciej Krásná rally, krásná zkouška, užívám si to tu.

#3 Loix Freddy - Miclotte Frederic Jedeme s rezervou, ještě musím trochu přidat. Pro belgický motorsport je to strašná škoda, ze Thiery už nejede.

#2 Bouffier Bryan - Panseri Xavier Strašně to tu klouže, ztratili jsme nějaký čas když jsme se pravým předkem otřeli o zídku.

#1 Rossetti Luca - Chiarcossi Matteo Nebylo to špatné. Ale jsem moc pomalý. Je to tu hodně těžké, musím na sobě pracovat a trochu změnit setup.

18 - Magalhaes Bruno / Grave Paulo: Retired due to engine failure.

21 - Debackere Melissa / Cokelaere Cindy: "I'm learning the car. I usually drive with WRC, so it is something different."

17 - Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis: "Everthing was OK, but it is easy to get a puncture. I try to not take any risk."

11 - Oleksowicz Maciej / Obrębowski Andrzej: "This stage was really nice, we were pushing and going flatout. But the time could be better."

15 - Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio: "The steering is not OK."

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: "I did one mistake in a corner. We will try to improve."

9 - Tlusťák Antonín / Škaloud Jan: "The stage was good."

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "Nice stage, we are learning. But good, really good."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "Very nice stage, very good driving. Perfect."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "It is quite difficult. Others are pushing very hard."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "We went slightly off the road. But no serious damage to the car. We have to be careful."

на су3:

#11 Oleksowicz Maciej - Obrebowski Andrzej Byli jsme v prikopu asi minutu. Diky divákům jsme ale odjeli. / We spend one minute in the ditch. Thanks to spectators we are here.

#8 Andersson Per-Gunnar - Axelsson Emil Dělali jsme hodiny ve velké rychlosti. Spolujezdec mi pozde přečetl zatáčku, ale měli jsme štěstí. / We had a big spin 1km before the finish. Late call from co-driver, but we were lucky.

#12 Wilks Guy - Pugh Phil Musíme jet opatrně a rozhodně dokončit. Mám dobrý rytmus, ale chce to opatrně, klouže nám to. / We have to be careful. We had some problems with grip. I have to work on my confidence.

#2 Bouffier Bryan - Panseri Xavier Nejsem spokojený s autem ani se mnou. Teď jsme dělali hodiny. / I am not so happy with the car and with myself.

#1 Rossetti Luca - Chiarcossi Matteo Udelal jsem par zmen pred touto zkouskou a je to o hodně lepší / I made a few changes and the handling is much better now.

#4 Basso Giandomenico - Dotta Mitia Je to tu strašně obtížné. Včera jsme nejeli shakedown. / It is very difficult. Yesterday we didn't have a shakedown.

#3 Loix Freddy - Miclotte Frederic Všechna ta odstoupení nejsou dobrá pro tuto rally, ani pro diváky. Nemám z toho radost.

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: "It was crazy, very slippery."

11 - Oleksowicz Maciej / Obrębowski Andrzej: Went out of the road.

9 - Tlusťák Antonín / Škaloud Jan: "Super."

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "It's going good. The feeling with the car is better and better. I'm happy."

8 - Andersson Per Gunnar / Axelsson Emil: "We had a big spin one km before the finish, a late call from co-driver."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "I still enjoy the driving, very nice."

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "We have to be cautious. Obviously Freddy has confidence, we need to be clever."

4 - Basso Giandomenico / Dotta Mitia: "It is very difficult, yesterday I had problems with engine, we have no power in this race."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "It's a pitty that many drivers retired. I was driving little bit slower on the previous stage so I pushed now."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "I'm not so comfortable with the car, I had a spin in here again."

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "I'm improving my driving and also the setup, it is getting better."

через 5 минут стартует су4

наверное, я погорячился, и нас разделяет час времени. значит, в 21-18 старт су4 Dikkebus-Westouter 2 - 14.30 km


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19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "Not so bad."

8 - Andersson Per Gunnar / Axelsson Emil: "It's good fun, sometimes big slides."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "New pads, good brakes, good drive."

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "Strange, we had good one split, but lost a lot of time in another. But don't know where."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "It is OK, we will see."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "There is little bit gravel on the road, but OK, we are used to it."

4 - Basso Giandomenico / Dotta Mitia: "We changed the tyres, they are too soft now."

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "Our engine is running only on three pistons." только 3 циллиндра...


1 3

Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:07:52.0 109.07

0.00 00:00:00.0


2 12

Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:08:01.2 106.98

0.64 00:00:09.2


3 2

Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:08:02.4 106.72

0.73 00:00:10.4


4 15

Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:04.4 106.28

0.87 00:00:12.4


5 19

Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:05.8 105.97

0.97 00:00:13.8


6 7

Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej

Ford Fiesta S2000 2 00:08:10.7 104.91

1.31 00:00:18.7


7 8

Andersson Per Gunnar / Axelsson Emil

Proton Satria Neo S2000 2 00:08:16.1 103.77

1.69 00:00:24.1


8 10

Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:08:16.5 103.69

1.71 00:00:24.5


9 4

Basso Giandomenico / Dotta Mitia

Proton Satria Neo S2000 2 00:08:18.2 103.33

1.83 00:00:26.2


10 9

Tlusťák Antonín / Škaloud Jan

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:28.0 101.34

2.52 00:00:36.0


11 11

Oleksowicz Maciej / Obrębowski Andrzej

Ford Fiesta S2000 2 00:08:35.3 99.90

3.03 00:00:43.3


12 1

Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo

Fiat Grande Punto S2000 2 00:08:52.4 96.69

4.22 00:01:00.4


11 - Oleksowicz Maciej / Obrębowski Andrzej: "Now it is OK, on the last stage there were only body parts damaged."

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: "I try to drive more clean, but it's not easy."

из-за проблем с двигателем лука розетти теряет 4 место

15 - Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio: "Very good, but we maybe have soft tyres, they were good at the start, but then the car started to move a lot."

17 - Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis: "We try to not to cut the corners to avoid the puncture."

25 - Kruuda Karl / Järveoja Martin: "There is much more gravel on the road. I'm still losing too much time."

24 - Herbold Felix / Zemanik Kevin: "I tried to push, but the time was worse. Maybe I was too agressive."

22 - Maurin Julien / Ural Olivier: "It was better the before, I'm happy. But I just to try to stay on the road. The car is maybe too soft."

21 - Debackere Melissa / Cokelaere Cindy: "It was quite good, but I'm still learning."

после су4:

1 3

1 Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

1 00:33:31.7

00:33:31.7 00:00:00.0


2 12

2 Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil

Peugeot 207 S2000 2

2 00:33:55.0

00:33:55.0 00:00:23.3


3 16

3 Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara

Peugeot 207 S2000 2

3 00:34:09.9

00:34:09.9 00:00:38.2


4 2

5 Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier

Peugeot 207 S2000 2

4 00:34:16.2

00:34:16.2 00:00:44.5


5 19

6 Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

5 00:34:23.4

00:34:23.4 00:00:51.7


6 17

7 Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

6 00:34:31.5

00:34:31.5 00:00:59.8


7 15

9 Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

7 00:34:40.6

00:34:40.6 00:01:08.9


8 32

8 Snijers Patrick / Gitsels Johan

Mini John Cooper Works S2000 1

1 00:34:43.2

00:34:43.2 00:01:11.5


9 7

10 Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej

Ford Fiesta S2000 2

8 00:34:49.2

00:34:49.2 00:01:17.5


10 25

11 Kruuda Karl / Järveoja Martin

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

9 00:34:52.7

00:34:52.7 00:01:21.0


первая тройка без изменений

су5 Mesen-Sauvegarde 2 - 14.75 km в 22:13


с 3-го по 10-е очень плотные результаты

Изменено пользователем LEKS


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1 2

Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:08:01.4

2 1

Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo

Fiat Grande Punto S2000 2 00:08:05.0

1 3

Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:07:54.1 112.00

2 12

Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:07:59.7 110.69

3 2

Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier

Peugeot 207 S2000 2 00:08:01.4 110.30

4 1

Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo

Fiat Grande Punto S2000 2 00:08:05.0 109.48

5 19

Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:09.0 108.59

6 7

Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej

Ford Fiesta S2000 2 00:08:13.4 107.62

7 4

Basso Giandomenico / Dotta Mitia

Proton Satria Neo S2000 2 00:08:16.4 106.97

8 8

Andersson Per Gunnar / Axelsson Emil

Proton Satria Neo S2000 2 00:08:22.2 105.73

9 9

Tlusťák Antonín / Škaloud Jan

Škoda Fabia S2000 2 00:08:32.9 103.53



су6 Langemark 2 - 18.84 km в 22:52. последний су первого дня

после су5:


розетти опережает бассо и бетти и вплотную подходит к первой десятке

должны появиться первые результаты су6, а завтра второй день ралли ипр начнется су7 Proven-Vleteren 1 - 14.76 km - в 12:18

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "It was not so easy. I tried to push and also not to make mistake. I can be happy, because the car is working well."

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "We had a problem with the engine and we also we were late in the time control. We don't know, what will happen."проблемы с мотором и опоздали на кв. они не знают, что происходит!

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "Quite happy with my first day, but not very happy, because I miss some boys to fight with. "доволен первым днем, но не доволен, что потерял несколько соперников

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "The last stage was very tricky, hard to drive with lights."

4 - Basso Giandomenico / Dotta Mitia: "It is important for us that we still drive."

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: "I'm quite happy, we are improving."

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "I'm happy. It's going better and better. I want to do it like this also tomorrow."

8 - Andersson Per Gunnar / Axelsson Emil: "The water temperature is high, we have to be careful. I hope we will reach the service."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "Perfect day, very nice driving. We are happy with our position, huge competition here."

16 - Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara: "Fantastic, I didn't expect it. Here are a lot of proffsionals, I'm the first amateur."

11 - Oleksowicz Maciej / Obrębowski Andrzej: "It's good that we are here, it was tough day."

23 - Van Eldik Mark / Buysmans Robin: "It wasn't easy in the dark, but generally quite good day."

25 - Kruuda Karl / Järveoja Martin: "It was tough day for me. I don't trust the car."

после су6:

1 3

1 Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

1 00:51:11.1

00:51:11.1 00:00:00.0


2 12

2 Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil

Peugeot 207 S2000 2

2 00:51:47.8

00:51:47.8 00:00:36.7


3 16

3 Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara

Peugeot 207 S2000 2

3 00:52:05.2

00:52:05.2 00:00:54.1


4 2

4 Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier

Peugeot 207 S2000 2

4 00:52:10.0

00:52:10.0 00:00:58.9


5 19

5 Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

5 00:52:31.3

00:52:31.3 00:01:20.2


6 17

6 Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

6 00:52:43.3

00:52:43.3 00:01:32.2


7 15

7 Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

7 00:52:56.6

00:52:56.6 00:01:45.5


8 32

8 Snijers Patrick / Gitsels Johan

Mini John Cooper Works S2000 1

1 00:53:01.6

00:53:01.6 00:01:50.5


9 1

11 Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo

Fiat Grande Punto S2000 2

8 00:53:05.6

00:53:05.6 00:01:54.5


10 7

9 Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej

Ford Fiesta S2000 2

9 00:53:11.1

00:53:11.1 00:02:00.0



розетти обошел соловова и крууду, вытеснив последнего из первой десятки

Изменено пользователем LEKS


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Спасибо, друже LEKS ;-)!!!

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Смотрим сегодня!!!!

Он-лайн результаты: irc-results.com ewrc-results.com



Суббота, 25 июня

Service D (Ieper) - 15 min. 11:30

СУ7 Proven-Vleteren 1 14.76 км 12:18

СУ8 Watou 1 12.33 км 12:40

СУ9 Heuvelland 1 24.74 км 13:16

Service E (Ieper) - 30 min. 14:15

СУ10 Hollebeke 1 28.82 км 15:03

СУ11 Lille-Eurométropole 8.47 км 16:06

СУ12 Show Wasquehal 1.88 км 16:38

СУ13 Kemmelberg 1 10.23 км 17:41

Service F (Ieper) - 30 min. 18:24

СУ14 Proven-Vleteren 2 14.76 км 19:27

СУ15 Watou 2 12.33 км 19:49

СУ16 Heuvelland 2 24.74 км 20:25

Service G (Ieper) - 30 min. 21:24

СУ17 Hollebeke 2 28.82 км 22:12

СУ18 Kemmelberg 2 10.23 км 22:56

Service H (Ieper) - 10 min. 23:38

Итого по второму дню: 192.11 км

IRC: Лойкс лидирует на Ралли Ипр после шести СУ

Бельгийский гонщик "Шкоды" Фредди Лойкс лидирует после шести спецучастков домашнего Ралли Ипр. Второе место занимает экс-чемпион IRC Гай Уилкс ("Пежо"), третьим идёт ещё один гонщик на французском хэтчбеке Питер Тсджоэн.

IRC. Ралли Ипр. Итоги после СУ6

1. Фредди Лойкс ("Шкода") — 51:11.1

2. Гай Уилкс ("Пежо") +36.7

3. Питер Тсджоэн ("Пежо") +54.1

4. Брайан Буффье ("Пежо") +58.9

5. Ханс Вейджс ("Шкода") +1:20.2

6. Бернд Казье ("Шкода") +1:32.2

7. Тони Гардемайстер "(Шкода") +1:45.5

8. Лука Розетти ("Абарт") +1:54.5

9. Михал Соловов ("Форд") +2:00.0

10. Карл Rheelf ("Шкода") +2:05.2

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No Fat chiks ? :lol:


8 093 761 09 79 Артём

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SS10 (2!,82km): 1.Loix 16:20.3-



4.Casier+22.0- 5.



Gard+3:32.5 punct-

Wilks+5:14.3 punct


Бассо убрался

Нойвиль чинит машину

Снийжер едет

Thanks to Marek Wicher-Cersanit Rally Team and iRally.

8 093 761 09 79 Артём

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после су12:

1 3

1 Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

1 01:42:44.2

01:42:44.2 00:00:00.0


2 2

2 Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier

Peugeot 207 S2000 2

2 01:44:28.9

01:44:28.9 00:01:44.7


3 19

4 Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

3 01:45:45.2

01:45:45.2 00:03:01.0


4 17

5 Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

4 01:45:45.9

01:45:45.9 00:03:01.7


5 32

6 Snijers Patrick / Gitsels Johan

Mini John Cooper Works S2000 1

1 01:46:16.5

01:46:16.5 00:03:32.3


6 7

7 Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej

Ford Fiesta S2000 2

5 01:47:04.1

01:47:04.1 00:04:19.9


7 25

8 Kruuda Karl / Järveoja Martin

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

6 01:47:37.8

01:47:37.8 00:04:53.6


8 27

9 Ten Brinke Bernhard / Thierie Davy

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

7 01:48:23.6

01:48:23.6 00:05:39.4


9 23

10 Van Eldik Mark / Buysmans Robin

Škoda Fabia S2000 2

8 01:48:26.7

01:48:26.7 00:05:42.5


10 12

11 Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil

Peugeot 207 S2000 2

9 01:48:53.0

01:48:53.0 00:06:08.8


лойкс-1:44.7-буфье-1:16.3-вейс-0,7-касье-30,6-сниерс-47,6-соловов-33,7-крууда-45,8-тен бринке-3,1-ван бдик-26,3-вилкс

это абсолютный зачет ралли ипр. в зачет ирц не входит сниерс, поэтому десятка ирц без его

су13 Kemmelberg 1 - 10.23 km - в 17:41, то есть вот-вот стартует первый экипаж

а вот такое было на су7:

4 - Basso Giandomenico / Dotta Mitia: Went out of the road. вылет

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: "These stages are crazy when they dry, in the rain it's crazy!"

25 - Kruuda Karl / Järveoja Martin: "It's all about learning. I don't know anything about driving on tarmac in rain."

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "I had a spin. Fortunately I didn't went off."

6 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Floene Ola: "It's very difficult, lot of mud and rain. It's hard to get to the rhytm."

5 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas: Went out of the road. вылет

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "We want to attack, but you can see the times."

15 - Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio: "Very difficult, it's first time in wet with these tyres. I thought it was bad, but it wasn't so bad."

17 - Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis: "Very difficult, in the first corner I almost went straight, it was like on ice."

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "We have more grip than we expected."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "It was very difficult and slippery."

16 - Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara: "I never drove this car in wet, so it is very difficult for me. It's hard to find the right rhytm."

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "It was very tricky, we have to be very careful."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "Difficult, it will be difficult for everyone. But if it will be only wet without rain, it will be OK."

Whole night was heavy rain, roads are completely wet.

трасса была мокрая после ночного проливного дождя

1 Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic Škoda Fabia S2000

2 Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil Peugeot 207 S2000

3 Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara Peugeot 207 S2000

4 Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier Peugeot 207 S2000

5 Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn Škoda Fabia S2000

6 Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis Škoda Fabia S2000

7 Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio Škoda Fabia S2000

8 Snijers Patrick / Gitsels Johan Mini John Cooper Works S2000

9 Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej Ford Fiesta S2000

10 Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo Fiat Grande Punto S2000

по отношению к су6 без изменения позиций

что было на су8:

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "Not bad. But we ecpected a rain and we have too much cut tyres."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "Everything is OK, we try to drive, but there is a lot of mud."

15 - Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio: "This stage was more difficult for me."

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "Quite nice, but the rear is sliding little bit."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "I chose wrong tyres."

16 - Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara: "Difficult stage, I'm not happy with my driving."

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "Quite OK, this one was very slippery. I hope the next one will be better with these tyres."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "OK, not so bad. Maybe I could do different tyre choice."

буфье опережает тсйоэна и выходит на 3 место в абсолюте. остальные пилоты десятки сохранили свои позиции

отвлечемся немного от прошедших допов и обратим внимание на су13

касье опередил вейса и вышел на 3 место в абсолюте!

25 - Kruuda Karl / Järveoja Martin: "The beginning of the stage was horrible. I just try to keep the car on the road."

6 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Floene Ola: "We lost a couple of seconds in one really slipery corner, we went straight."

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "The beginning of the stage was really slippery, then it was OK, without troubles."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "We had a spin, lot of mud there."

15 - Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio: "Quite OK, we have rain tyres on the front due to previous puncture and it dosen't work."

17 - Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis: "To be third, it sounds crazy."

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "I made a spin, it was so slippery."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "This stage was amazing, so many people!"

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "Still massive disappointment for us, we will see."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "Quite tricky, but it is difficult for everybody. I try to control the race, no flatout."

на су9 было:

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: "The bonnet opened just three kilometers in the stage. But I tried to keep on the road."

25 - Kruuda Karl / Järveoja Martin: "I'm trying to do my best. There are always some moments."

6 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Floene Ola: "We just need to bring the car home."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "I enjoy the driving, but unfortunately I still have huge problems with brakes."

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "We had a lot of mud on the road, first cars have advantage. But OK, not bad."

17 - Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis: "We try to focus on keeping the right rhytm."

15 - Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio: "In this stage we lost a lot of time. We have a short gear and ran a lot of time in the rev limiter."

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "It was good, little bit slippery. In the last part of the stage it was sliding a lot."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "It's not bad, we cought Pieter. I still try to learn the car on this mud."

16 - Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara: "Very difficult, it's hard to find the brake limit, I brake too early."

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "We had quite clean run, no mistakes."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "At the moment I try to not to make some stupid mistake. Second loop will be difficult."

розетти опередил соловова

на су10 было:

1 - Rossetti Luca / Chiarcossi Matteo: "In the first corner of the stage I hit a stone and got a slow puncture."

6 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Floene Ola: "We had a puncture and drove on it for a little while."

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: Was out of the road. вылетали

25 - Kruuda Karl / Järveoja Martin: "It was good. It was dry, so I had better feeling, but we had some troubles with intercom."

15 - Gardemeister Toni / Suominen Tapio: "We got a puncture in the first corner. We lost a lot of time."

7 - Sołowow Michal / Baran Maciej: "Everything fine, very nice stage. We changed again the brake pads, it's much better."

17 - Casier Bernd / Caesemaeker Francis: "It was quite good, I'm happy."

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "We got two punctures, front left and front right." 2 прокола!!

19 - Weijs Hans / Degandt Bjorn: "Good, but maybe too soft tyres."

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "I was following Guy many kilometers, but then he probably got a second puncture. I feel sorry for him."

16 - Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara: "We missed Wilks only one and a half km in the stage, probably a puncture."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "This was better than in the morning, it was more dry. But the second run will be much more difficult."

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "Had a puncture."

Stage became more dry.

положение после су10:

лойкс-буфье-тсйоэн-касье-вейс-снийерс-соловов-крууда-тен бринке-ван элдик

вилкс, гардемейстер и роетти теряют много времени и вылетают из первой десятки абсолюта

на су11 было:

10 - Betti Luca / Barone Maurizio: Went out of the road between flying finish and stop control. вылет между линией финиша и постом "стоп"

2 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier: "OK, we tried to not to take any risk, but also tu push."

16 - Tsjoen Pieter / Vanneste Lara: Finished the stage with broken radiator. разбит радиатор

12 - Wilks Guy / Pugh Phil: "We can't do anything now, there is a really big gap."

3 - Loix Freddy / Miclotte Fréderic: "OK, I'm feeling well. But the second run will be tricky."

вейс опережает касье и выходит на 4 место

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